Picturebook Dreams

Although I know my heart’s topics typically lend themselves to the upper MG and YA genres, I have always loved and dreamed of writing picturebooks. Often motivated by writing contests or calls for children’s magazines, I love the challenge of word counts...

Playing Through the Writer’s Journey

A recent Sunday morning, I sprung out of bed and knew my next book’s storyline. Rather than enjoy coffee with conversation as my husband and I usually do in the morning, I sipped on coffee as my story outline spilled across the page. As I wrote, Dave said, “Do you...

Messy Memories

My sister-in-law loves making messes. Last summer, as she played with her children and mine in a bubble mixture that seriously makes the coolest bubbles, she said, “I love bubbles. They’re therapeutic.” I shook my head as I eyed my three-year-old son who chose not to...